Main page > Brest region > Gantsevichi

In the second half of the XIX century the town of Gantsevichi was a small village in the Sloutsk district of the Minsk Province. There at the end of the XIX century and at the beginning of the XX century worked a glasshouse that belonged to industrialists named V. Krayevsky and I. Stohl and produced window glass, plate glass and high quality Bohemian glass.

From 1921 Gantsevichi had become part of Poland and from 1939 it was integrated into the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. From 1940 Gantsevichi had been given the status of a town settlement and a centre of the district. In 1959 about 3.5 thousand people lived in it. From December 25, 1962 till July 30, 1966 Gantsevichi had been part of the Liakhovichsky district and from December 6, 1973 it had obtained the status of a town. The Vygnashchanskoje hydrological sanctuary, the Borsky reserve and the Yalovsky reserve for growing of moss-berry are situated on the territory of the district. They are engaged in industrial growing of large-size American moss-berry.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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