Main page > Mogilev region > Glusk

It is known from the second part of the XV century. In the middle of the XV century the northern part of the Glusk small administrative district and the Old Glusk were in the possession of S. Y. Golshansky, and a settlement Glusk—Dubrovitsky became the centre of I. Y Golshansky's ownership where the modern Glusk appeared later. The Glusk district was formed on the 17th of July 1924. Starting from the year 1938 Glusk was a town village. In the year 1962 the district has become a part of the Bobruisk province, however on the 30 of July 1966 it was restored as an independent one. There are 8 industrial enterprises are situated in the territory of the Region, the most prominent of which are the following ones: "The Glusk creamery and cheese factory" Open Joint-Stock Company, the forest economy, "The Glusk woodworking factory" Foreign Unitary Enterprise, "The Glusk fruits and vegetables factory" Open Joint-Stock Company and the others. The land of Glusk has been made famous by many outstanding figures: a famous painter of the XVII—XVIII centuries Alexander Tarasevich, known in Europe, one of the founders of the Belarussian literature Olgerd Obukhovich, poets S. Grakhovsky, Y. Bobrik, composer V. Ivanov and the others.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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