Main page > Mogilev region > Klichev

It had been known as a village Klichevo, Vitebsk military government starting from the year 1592. From the year 1924 it became a district centre, a small town. Since the 27th of September 1938, the district has entered into the Mogilev province. During the occupation the German fascist invaders eliminated 504 people in Klichev and in the Region. On the 23rd of March, the guerrillas of the detachments № 128, 277, 620, 752 wrecked a hostile garrison in Klichev. The Soviet power was restored over there and the Klichev guerrillas zone was created. Nowadays Klichev appears to be a modern town with the population of more than 17 thousand people. The five regional industrial enterprises activity is mainly connected with the stocking up and processing of the local raw materials resources. They are "The Klichev Forest Economy" State Forest Economy Administration, "Gonchanskoe" Peat Enterprise, "The Klichev canning factory" Open Joint-Stock Company, a cooperative industry combine, "Haste-Klichev" Foreign Enterprise.

The main industrial raw materials are timber, for the manufacturing of the products from which 80 thousand cubic metres of timber are stocked up annually in the District. In order to restore the cut out wood, every year 300—350 hectares are planted with the forest cultures again.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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