On the 25th of January 1962, the territory of the Ostrovetsky Region passed partially to the Oshmyany Region (including the town village Ostrovets) and partially to the Smorgon Region. On the 6th of January 1965 the Ostrovetsky Region was restored.
On the land of Ostrovets the following people were bom, who made it famous: brothers Konstantin and Al'bin Stapovichi.a poet and a musician, painter Marian Bogush-Shishka.
On the territory of the Region the 23 architectural monuments have been preserved and exist now. They include the architectural ensemble in the village Voronyany (the Georgievskiy Roman Catholic Church, the chemist's house — they were built in the year 1770), the Trinity Roman Catholic Church in the village Gervyaty, the Roman Catholic Churches in the villages Gudogai, Mikhalishki, Bystriza, Klyuschany.
Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]