Main page > Vitebsk region > Senno

For the first time in the written sources Senno was mentioned in 1534 when during the war of 1534—1537 between the Moscow Empire and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania it was occupied and burnt by prince B. Gorbaty troops. In 1772 Senno became the part of the Russian Empire and obtained the status of town. 2 May 1780 Catherine II stopped here on her way from Polotsk to Mogilev.

Nowadays Senno is an administrative, economic and cultural center of the Senno region. There are 8 enterprises in the region. The largest ones are: UPP "Bogushevskii distillery" (in 1998 it celebrated 100-year anniversary from the day of its foundation), the joint stock company "Senno plant SOM" and UPP "Cooperative industry center". The architectural monuments are preserved: an administrative building (the beginning of the XIX century) in Senno, a post station (the end ol 1840-es) in the v. Pogrebonka, the Bowery (the second half of the XIX century), the working place of Yanka Kupala (he lived in the bowery house since December 1903 till the spring of 1904).

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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