In the XIX century Shumilino was the village in the Lovazhskaya volost of the Polotsk uezd of the Vitebsk guberniya. After the construction of the railway Riga—Orlovskaya (1886) the village grew and became a small town; a railway station was built. The station buildings and the church were the only big constructions. Nowadays the urban village Shumilino with the population of about 8 thousand people is an administrative and cultural center of the Shumilino region. In the region there are 8 industrial enterprises: KPUP and Obolensky ceramic plant, UPP "The center of cooperative industry", AOZT Joint Venture "Vezha", the Joint-Stock company "Shumilenskie cheeses", "Shumilinsky agro service", TLHU "Shumilinsky forestry". At the territory of the region 13 religious communities are registered, among them there are 7 orthodox, 2 Roman Catholic and 4 protestant ones. St. Sergievskaya and St. Uspenskaya churches are the architectural monuments of XIX—XX centuries.
In the region 78 big and small rivers flow. There are 72 lakes; the largest ones are Budovest, Dobeevskoe, Leskovichi, Moshna.
Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]