A town village Svisloch was mentioned in the written sources for the first time in the end of the XV century — beginning of the XVI century as the great prince's property. Starting from the middle of the XVI—XIX centuries, it was in a private ownership of Zaslavskie, Krishpiny, Tyshkevichy families. Starting from the year 1795 it formed a part of the Russian Empire. On the bounds of the XVIII—XIX centuries, Tyshkevich's Svisloch Theater operated. In the XVIII century, count V Tyshkevich laid the foundation of the park and built a Palace in it. In the year 1804 the Svisloch teachers' high school was fonded. In the year 1851 the high school was transformed into a 5-forms nobleman specialized school, which Kastus Kalinovsky graduated from. In the year 1876 it was transformed into the Svisloch teachers' Seminary.
From the 1st of January 1940, Svisloch became a town village, a regional center. Nowadays 8 thousand people reside over there.
The following architectural monuments of the XIX century have been preserved in Svisloch until nowadays: a former high school building, a park; in the village Grinyavichi — a church (the year 1792), in a town village Porozovo — the Mikhailovsky Roman Catholic Church (the years 1825— 1828) and the Country Estate House (the middle of the XIX century).
Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]