Main page > Minsk region > Volozhin

Known from documents since XIV ñ. Belonged to big feudals such as Volozhin princes, then Monvids, A. Goshtold. Since 1507 was the part of Novogrudok voivodship of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Since 1567 the town's owner was N. Radzivill, since 1614 — Slushki. Since 1683 there were orthodox brotherhood. Since 1793 was a part of Russian Empire. Since the end of XVIII ñ Volozhin belonged to Radzivills again, then to Chartariyskiye, since 1803 belonged to Tyshkevichi.

In 1806—1892 Jewish Clerical Academy (yeshibot), where studied more than 400 students from Russia, England, Syria and other countries.

Since 1870th 3-year public school begun to work. In the late XlXth ñ two more were opened. Since 1921 was a part of Poland. Since September, 1939 a part of BSSR. Modern Volozhin is an administrative, economic and culture center of Volozhin district with a well-developed infrastructure. Enterprises produce bread and bakery products, confectionery, sausage goods, butter, fat cheese, dairy products, beer, windows and door units, sawn timber, furniture cushioned and for kitchen, ceramics, flax-fibre. There are 145 cultural and historical artifacts in the district. The most important of them are the palace and park ensemble in Volozhin built in the historical centre in 1788—1806; the church in Volozhin (1803—1815). The Andrivonzh palace and park ensemble in the Zafinovo village is also the memorial of the republican significance. There are following memorials among survived ones: the church of Saint Dominic (1906) and Preobrazhenskaya church (1793) in the Rakov settlement, the red and white churches and the church of Yefrosinnia Polotskaya in the Ivenets urban-type settlement.

Fates of many people connected with Volozhin: Symon Budny, Yadvigin Sh., Konstantsia Builo, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Mikhail Frunze, Appolinariy Pupko, Konstantin Poplavsky.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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